For a while, several experiences with my first aquarium had followed. Sometimes I had wondered if I should have a smaller aquarium to keep sick fishes or to grow fries. I now realize that was really an excuse to have another toy. I started to look for. This time I would buy piece by piece instead of the whole set. I didn´t want to spend too much...
I had searched on our aquarium forum on the net. Guess what ? Someone at neighborhood who I never met before was offering me a 54 litres used tank. It happened to pick it on my birthday by coincidence. That´s the story of my second tank.
I choosed to call it K2 because it was my second aquarium and the big rock on the left vaguely was reminiscent of the rocky peak K2 (Korakoram, Pakistan ) the 2nd highest Mountain in the world. Let me show you what I mean:
First I experimented the "dry-start" method that I've had learned at a Tom Barr's presentation. I have had started with Hemianthus calitrichoides "Cuba". At least I tought I had. Then, after 3 weeks, I filled the tank and I planted some Blyxa japonica, Rotala rotundifolia and Hetheranthera zosterofolia.
Soon I discovered that my carpet plant was after all Hemianthus micranthemoides...things began to get a little messy...
And that's the story for now...