Fearless: Spirit of the Rainforest

Fearless: Spirit of the Rainforest
AJ Judy Prajitno Putra, Indonesia ( IAPLC 2009 #10)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

K2 is born, step by step

For a while, several experiences with my first aquarium had followed. Sometimes I had wondered if I should have a smaller aquarium to keep sick fishes or to grow fries. I now realize that was really an excuse to have another toy. I started to look for. This time I would buy piece by piece instead of the whole set. I didn´t want to spend too much...
I had searched on our aquarium forum on the net. Guess what ? Someone at neighborhood who I never met before was offering me a 54 litres used tank. It happened to pick it on my birthday by coincidence. That´s the story of my second tank.

I choosed to call it K2 because it was my second aquarium and the big rock on the left vaguely was reminiscent of the rocky peak K2 (Korakoram, Pakistan ) the 2nd highest Mountain in the world. Let me show you what I mean:

First I experimented the "dry-start" method that I've had learned at a Tom Barr's presentation. I have had started with Hemianthus calitrichoides "Cuba". At least I tought I had. Then, after 3 weeks, I filled the tank and I planted some Blyxa japonica, Rotala rotundifolia and Hetheranthera zosterofolia.

Soon I discovered that my carpet plant was after all Hemianthus micranthemoides...things began to get a little messy...

And that's the story for now...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My first aquarium

This post is to remember my first experience into the aquarium world.

Once upon a time... my kid came home and told me about his aquarium project at school.... He was really enthusiastic. It was not only a thing for looking through the glass but all the class had to take care of it...along the year...He told me they kept there live-coloured guppies and swordtails. They had found that day one of them was pregnant...tiny little fishes had born...

At Christmas I decided to give him ( me ?) a aquarium tank and help him ( or he would help me ?) to set up a thing like this at home. I really did not know what I was getting into. I told him that it was not another toy. I knew it would not be a fish bowl and by that time I realized that a bigger tank would be easier to keep.

Well, we started with a 115 litres (about 26g gallons) tank..not too big..not too small.

Looking to the picture above call it a dutch-like style aquarium with some plants...not a planted tank. I had started to read something about caring of aquarium plants. I started with homemade CO2: added some sugar, water and yeast..using an adpated Coke bottle. It worked...at least for the first few days...then the process had to start over again.
Good to review biology, ecology, botanics, chemistry and some physics...soon I´ve had also to deal with some "veterinary" issues, of course. It had its ups and downs.
Then my kid started to have other interests and by that time I was loosing his help (same thing happened about his dog, which only I always have to walk outside...).I'm not complaining. From there I got a new hobby!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Neon Tetra

This is my first post. I choosed dedicate it to this amazing fish, my nickname and my inspirational insight into the aquarium world.

Common Name
Neon tetra

Scientific Name Of The Species
Paracheirodon innesi

  • Size of the fish in home aquariums (min-max): 3 - 4 cm

  • pH of water for Neon tetra has to be between: 5.5 - 7.5

  • Water hardness (dGH) should be between: 0 - 18 °N

  • Recommended water temperature for Neon tetra: 20 - 25 °C

  • Compatibility (temperament to it's species): peaceful

  • Fish' temperament toward other species: peaceful

  • Preferred place when kept in fish tanks: Bottom levels

  • The way of breeding: Spawning

  • This species originates from: South America

Information about care

This tetra accepts nearly all kinds of food. Flakes, live food, granules, frozen food are fine.

The neon tetra comes from the Amazon river regions. So if you want to breed them, you have to copy the conditions like in the river throughout the summer; the rainy season. The best way is to change about 50% of water in order to simulate raining. You should separate the breeding pair from the others and use subdued light only. After they lay eggs, take out the pair from the aquarium, so babies will not be eaten.

The Neon tetra female is rounder than the male and the male has a straight lines. This all is caused by eggs in the female's belly.

I was surprised when I found out, that Neon tetras live 5, sometimes 8, or even more years. It is very unusual for small fish to live more then few years.
